Monday, May 9, 2016

10cc - Sheet Music (1974)

Dayam... I honestly was not expecting Sheet Music to rock so hard right out of the gate. Something about the names of the band and the album made me think 10cc would be akin to krautrock, probably because "sheet music" makes me think of the cover of Faust IV. Thankfully the first song "Wall Sheet Shuffle" has a fantastic hard guitar sound and a heavy funk beat. Yay!

Eh... "The Worst Band in the World" is an interesting concept song. I didn't really follow the lyrics but the riff and beat were both messy but sonically interesting. "Hotel" starts off with a disappointing avant-garde synth piece before seguing into a somewhat obnoxious island jam that goes on too long. The deeper I go into Sheet Music the songs are losing more and more of what I found intriguing at first, and instead heading in a more baroque direction, perhaps even operatic like an early version of Queen. Now that I think of it, if you crossed Queen with Steely Dan you might wind up with something that sounds like 10cc.

"Silly Love" leads off the album's second side and again promises me a band with solid hard rock leanings. But 10cc proves to be a tough band to label, except maybe to say, "Jesus, these guys are all over the place." On first listen each song is difficult to follow or hum to. The melodies are off-kilter, the instrumentation is all over the place, and I have no idea what they are singing about.

But in general I liked a lot of it, and the album was an interesting if challenging listen. And the rock and funk stuff tickles my fancy, so I sorta liked it. 3 stars.

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