Anyhoo, if you're curious where I get my list of albums from, it's here:
It's a book in case you're curious. First published in 2005 it has been republished in new editions a few different times since. Each new edition strikes off a few albums and adds new ones, keeping the list supposedly up-to-date with the times. I've decided if an album is good enough to appear in the book once then it's good enough for me to listen to. So I'll wind up listening to slightly more than 1,001 albums by the time I'm done. There will even be special cases where I decide to listen to something else by a given artist for various reasons.
The good news is I've already been at this for more than a year so I have about 117 reviews to post before I need to produce new material. I don't know how often I'll post a review but I'll start with a few per week. If you have been religiously following these reviews on facebook (Hi mom!) then for a long while there won't be any new material for you to see. For those who haven't been following me on facebook (consider this me disowning you) I'm also going to include the comments from those facebook posts because often they were just as good as my review was.
So, I guess I should get started!
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