Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Reactionary Review - Harry Potter

It's over.  At least for now... I have seen the second part of the seventh and supposedly final Harry Potter film.  I personally find it hard to believe that Warner Brothers or JK Rowling will never have the urge to make something more out of this multi-billion dollar franchise.

But anyways, I can't really do a proper review of the film because it doesn't exist in DVD form yet, so I can't include screenshots.  What I can do is finally point out all the giant gaping holes left behind by the filmmakers.  As the series is complete, I guess I shouldn't expect them to be filled at this point.

Unlike most of my posts, I expect someone to want to comment and answer my questions.  Please do.  If you can't comment here comment on my facebook page or send me an email.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A NSFW Movie Review - Irreversible

I watch movies so you don't have to.

It's not the most original slogan for a movie review website. In fact I've probably read it on every review site I've ever visited. But this discredited trope completely explains why I feel these goofy little movie reviews are necessary.

I'm going to do something different this time. Instead of some obscure, silly, pointless, artistic film from the 70's, I'm going to review one of the darkest, most gruesome independent films of the last ten years. Also different... I don't have many delusions about this review being funny.

I do this because for me the film is something of a paradox. I do not enjoy watching it, but I have so much admiration for it that I feel I must own it. I also do it because while I could never recommend this film to anyone but a serious movie aficionado, I think it's important for the layman to know what this film is all about.