Friday, July 1, 2016

George Michael - Faith (1987)

I'm calling this the "George Michael Sniffs His Sweaty Armpit" album, because that's all I can think about when I see this cover. And yes, his armpit does have to be sweaty. That's a leather jacket, he has to be sweating under it. What were they going for in this photoshoot? I'm gonna have trouble listening to this album without the smell of B.O. on my mind. Since I already hated the first George Michael album I listened to that's not a good way to start.

The title track is more fitting for Michael's voice than what I remember on Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1. "Faith" is a cheesy 80s calypso-inspired rockabilly number that's dangerously catchy. "Father Figure" is a synthy breathy sultry 80s ballad that has a major creep factor to it. I'm pretty sure when Michael says, "I will be your father figure...I will be your preacher teacher..." he's talking to his lover, which... ew. But maybe I'm misunderstanding. "I Want You Sex (Pts. 1 & 2)" might have been scandalous in a different time, but I'm betting it was considered cheesy trash even in 1987. The album closes with "A Last Request (I Want Your Sex)" and in this version of the "I Want Your Sex" theme, George Michael brags about waiting for his potential mate to pass out drunk before date raping her. Were people still willing to have sex with George Michael after hearing this album? By all rights they shouldn't have.

Meh, mostly just boring 80s crap. I liked it more than I like Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1, but I can only say that because I didn't hate it. 2 stars.

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