Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Dave Answers Questions Submitted By Strangers To Quora Then Posts It As An Advice Column To His Blog - February 28, 2018 Edition

Why did my cheating ex say, “maybe in the future we can try again”?

-Amber Grinding, London

Dear Amber,

Some assholes can’t help themselves. This seems like a gaslighting gambit to try and convince you their cheating is somehow partly your fault. Don’t buy it, and never take them back.

How do I reject a guy who told me "I love you", in the sweetest way possible?

-It's Not Me, It's Him

Dear Not Me,

You’re wasting your time. If you plan to reject him just be honest. There really is no way to combine “I don’t love you” with not breaking his heart. If you try too hard you’ll just leave him with the thought that there’s a chance he could eventually win you over. Your suitor needs to know the honest truth no matter how harsh it is. Sometimes love results in heartbreak. That’s his problem to deal with, not yours.

Is it okay to fall in love with a girl by just reading her Quora answers?

-Too Much Quora

Dear Too Much,

You haven’t fallen in love. You have a crush. That’s perfectly reasonable. People have had crushes based on less. How many people wind up crushing on someone else just because they find them physically attractive? Don’t let your crush become an obsession. Treat this person like you would a favorite author. Read their answers and get that warm fuzzy feeling in your heart that comes with enjoying their words. Odds are you will never meet this person and they have no desire to make contact with you. Don’t be creepy. There’s no harm in having a crush.

Would Michelle Obama win if she ran against President Trump?

-Holy Shit What's Wrong With People?

Dear Holy,

It’s difficult to say. Hillary Clinton was an intelligent, well-prepared, immensely qualified opponent for Trump and she was undone by misogyny and media frenzy over invented scandals. It’s tough to know what kind of dirt the conservative noise machine could dig up on Michelle Obama, but they managed to turn something as lame as a private email server into the biggest issue of the 2016 campaign. I’m sure they could find something to screw Michelle Obama with. Add onto the pile outright racism that Trump has had no issue exploiting without resorted to dog-whistles and I wouldn’t be surprised if he could win again against another more qualified candidate.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES!!! I got a response to my answer regarding Michelle Obama:

No, Clinton lost because she is borderline crook and a proven liar, I have over 200 factual lies she made throughout her career.

I have a record of over 100 for Trump and still going!, 119 for Obama. Sadly both sides of the discourse are liars.

Try to vote for one of integrity, moral rectictude, honesty, that cares for all people, if you can find one.

And formulate your own opinions after full research because a MSM that twists stories, or even fabricates fake news is doing America a disservice, as is the lack of regulation over cable by the FCC, or a constitution that allows defamation, libel & slander & where it does not, only the rich can afford. ‘He said’, ‘She said, he said’, ‘a source close to said’, ‘a source who requested anonymity, said’, should all be struck down.

As for Michelle Obama, she has no experience, is like her husband a ‘race baiter’ & frankly just another making money grab-all from the pig trough that most elitist politicians, in Washington, feed from.

-Rabid and Woke

Dear Rabid,

200 factual lies! She must be a crook! Or she’s a human being who talks in public a lot, one or the other. Seriously, if you’re really spending your time combing through everything a politician says just to count their lies, you desperately need a better goddamn hobby.

My husband is watching explicit scenes with his Mother, I am not comfortable with this and I am completely turned off by him. Am I in the wrong?

-Tara, Hiding Under The Covers

Dear Hiding,

Are you saying they watch porn together? Or are these commercial movies that just happen to include explicit scenes, like 50 Shades of Grey or… whatever? In the latter it may make you uncomfortable, but those just happen to be the kind of movies they like and they enjoy watching movies together (hopefully). But if they watch porn together? Dude… I really don’t know. That’s a barrier my mom and I would never cross. In either case if it makes you uncomfortable you are certainly not wrong to have those feelings. Try to have a polite but frank discussion with your husband about the situation. If it’s affecting your relationship the two of you should consider seeing a couples therapist.

Thanks for reading! If you have a question you'd like me to answer submit it to Quora! Maybe someday I'll randomly come across it and answer it! If I find the topic interesting and my answer poignant enough I might even share my answer in one of these stupid columns!

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