Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Charlatans - Tellin' Stories (1997)

The Charlatans are a UK alternative rock band, so it's kinda unfortunate I'm listening to this right after hearing Blur by Blur, who are another sorta-alternative rock band. I mean, Blur is more of a britpop band, but the only people who could really tell you the difference care way too much about such subgenres.

The Charlatans sound like a whiny punk-lite band. Then again that's kinda what everyone thinks alternative rock is. Their sound is heavily distorted and tinny. They do add some nice flavor in the form of a Hammond organ. The first three songs on the album are inoffensive enough I guess. They have bright beats but not really anything to groove to.

The songs sound OK but aren't terribly interesting. I don't feel like The Charlatans are doing anything really different. It's not a bad album, I maybe sorta like it in that I can listen to it without being offended. So I guess 3 stars? Eh, a weak 3 stars, but yeah whatever.

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