Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Bees (A Band Of Bees) - Sunshine Hit Me

This album was listed in my queue as being by The Bees, but the album I downloaded through Murfie identifies them as A Band Of Bees. Supposedly the former is their real name and the latter is their American name. I hope that doesn't mean the albums are different in some way. The cover art is the same, hopefully the track listing and mixes are the same too.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Prince - Purple Rain (1984)

I've had this one stuck in the queue for a while. It's really hard to obtain Prince's music over the internet. I finally broke down and paid for a copy through, which is a great service. You buy CDs through them and they send you high-res downloadable copies for backup. Not that I couldn't rip my own FLACs off the disc they're sending me, but that disc won't get here for a little while and in the meantime I have my own FLACs to listen to :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sebadoh - Bubble And Scrape (1993)

I know nothing about Sebadoh, except what I accidentally read just now pulling up their album on The review on top reads, "This mainstay of '90s indie rock didn't manage a consistently listenable record until their fourth try in 1993, two years after Nevermind, so the youth were going gaga over grunge." There's a few things in here that bother me, mainly that despite being a mainstay during my time as a youth I've never head of them. More than that is the idea that Sebadoh is called an "indie rock" band, which I haven't ranted about how much I hate that term in quite some time. Perhaps worst of all is how a band can make it 4 albums before making one people are willing to call "consistently listenable." Is that meant to be a compliment of some kind? Can you imagine eating at a restaurant that made food best described as "consistently edible?"

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Emmylou Harris - Pieces Of The Sky (1975)

I'm slipping. Partly because work has been busy. Partly because I completed my Led Zeppelin deluxe catalog and have spent weeks pouring over every nook and cranny I can. But mostly because I'm freakin' bored as hell with all this new music. This is becoming too common a theme whenever I'm told, "Seriously, YOU'VE GOT TO HEAR THIS! IT'S AMAZING!!!" and I listen to it and I'm like, "Eh..." or, "Meh...", or even worse, "Feh..." and for like 2 weeks now the next album on my list has been an hour-long country album. Granted Emmylou Harris has a lovely voice. But country music just sucks sooooooo hard.