Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Everything But The Girl - Walking Wounded (1996)

(originally posted on Facebook)
  Walking Wounded is an electronica album that makes me wonder, coming from the mid-90s, if this group inspired a spate of later "indie" rock bands. It's very soft and synthy, very bleak, and features a shifting slow verse, fast chorus beat pattern. It's essentially very boring club music.

I'm two songs in and that's what I got. Hopefully things will change and I can write something more interesting about Walking Wounded and not make this a really short and useless review.

It says a lot about an album when I get excited just from thinking, "Hey, this song has a real guitar on it!" Other than that this album got no emotional response from me whatsoever. In fact, I turned it off early. I think that was fair though as the last two songs were mearly remixes of songs I had already heard. 2 stars.

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