Friday, May 23, 2014

The Beatles - Hello, Goodbye/I Am The Walrus, Magical Mystery Tour EP, and Lady Madonna/The Inner Light (1967)


Small sample this time. "Hello Goodbye" may be my least favorite popular Beatles song. It's stuck in my head right now, and I haven't even listened to it to review yet. It's like a one joke movie- after a while it's just not funny anymore that a guy is dressed up as a woman, you know? Same with this song... we get it, you're saying the opposite things as someone else. Does that premise really justify a 4-minute song? Can I also point out how the sound quality seems to be a bit worse than Sgt. Pepper's was? Tired of hearing that? Blame The Beatles for constantly recording low-quality sound rather than me for reporting it.

I haven't heard "I Am The Walrus" in a long time. It's a good song, but I wish Ringo had sung it. A deeper voice would have made it a bit cooler than John Lennon's tinny whining.

Magical Mystery Tour was a double-EP in the UK and released in the US as an LP by adding the Beatles most recent singles. The idea of double-EPs is kinda confusing, but I give The Beatles credit for recognizing they had too little material to release an honest album in the UK and coming up with a unique solution. Of course it's a bit cheap to make a double-EP and include "I Am The Walrus" which was already released as a single three days earlier. The rest of the songs are quite musically interesting. Despite being a small release it's a solid collection of music. I've heard the film is awful.

Oh... "Lady Madonna" is this song? I never knew the name of it. OK, well, it's a good song anyway. Without looking I'm gonna say the B-side "The Inner Light" is by George Harrison. Son of a bitch I'm right. How did I guess? It's a hindi-influenced sitar-based song. I get the feeling the rest of The Beatles thought this was all George Harrison could really do with himself.

Not a bad chunk of Beatles music. Take out "Hello Goodbye" and I kinda like it. 3 stars.

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