Friday, June 27, 2014

Koffi Olomide - Haut de gamme: Koweït, rive gauche (1992)

I really liked the first song although it was a bit long. Then I started chuckling a bit when the second song started. It's hard to criticize Koffi Olomide too hard, because he's clearly being completely earnest with this music. He sings with feeling and his breathy baritone sounds great in... uh... (facepalm) that foreign language he speaks. (ugh)

But even for 1992 his instrumentation sounds behind the times. His synth tracks, courtesy a DX7 keyboard, are reminiscient of the Doogie Howzer theme, so it's safe to say they haven't aged well. But that's not really his fault, he was just using what he had at the time- although 1992 is a bit late for this particular style.

What I can fairly criticize Mr. Olomide for is his repetitiveness. His songs have and annoying habbit of being a couple minutes too long and repeating 2-bar progressions endlessly. So Olomide has a nice voice and the songs have plenty of boppy energy, but it winds up being too long, repetitive, and boring. 2-stars.

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