Friday, July 11, 2014

Megadeth - Peace Sells, But Who's Buying? (1986)

As much as I complained about the only other Megadeth album I've heard in my life I honestly don't remember a thing about it. Other than the fact that it was terrible. Peace Sells, But Who's Buying? has all of the same musical concepts as Rust In Peace- fast, loud, distorted, and dark. There's only so much you can do with whatever subgenre of rock you want to call Megadeth. Wikipedia calls them thrash, which I guess is supposed to mean those metal bands where the drummers plays a crazy number of 16th notes on a double-bass drum set.

You know, it didn't strike me until just now, but what's with the missing 'A' in the death part of Megadeth? I know why Led Zeppelin misspelled 'lead' in their title- because they were afraid illiterate Americans would pronounced it "Leed Zeppelin". Which is already pretty dumb, but it's Led Fucking Zeppelin. Who is going to question them? Still did anyone in Megadeth actually think the public would be dumb enough to call a thrash band "Mega-Deeth?"

Anyway, Peace Sells, But Who's Buying? is technically well played and features talented people. I complained on Rust In Peace about the lead singer, but on Peace Sells, But Who's Buying? I didn't mind his voice as much. I didn't even really mind the music all that much, but I certainly wasn't impressed by it beyond its technical merits. Once you get into sub-genres like thrash there's not much you can do to make your music stand out. In spite of all the yelling and fast loud beats Megadeth is a boring band, at least the two albums I've heard. 2 stars.

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