Sunday, April 6, 2014

Teenage Fanclub - Bandwagonesque (1991)

(originally posted on Facebook)

Interesting this band would pick the name Teenage Fanclub. The first song on this album sounds like the type of song I would have written in high school- plain progression, really lame lyrics, and needlessly stretched out with a "meaningful" instrumental on the end.

Actually the whole album is like that, although only the first song has a tacked-on extended ending. There is a lot of 80s softness to the music, but also hints of the harder alt. rock that would hit big in the US throughout the 90s. At least the album was mostly guitar-based and stayed away from synths.

I'm a bit torn. On the one hand there's nothing really wrong with Bandwagonesque so giving it a low rating seems unfair. I also can't think of anything particularly memorable about the album either, and I just listened to it. So the best I can say is I didn't hate it, and that's 2 stars. I guess I wanted to like it more because I was on such a hot streak, but it is what it is.

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