Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ute Lemper - Punishing Kiss (2000)

(originally posted on Facebook)

Yeah, so I missed updating my quest log last night because it was really late. Anyway I heard Ute Lemper's Punishing Kiss. And I actually liked it. I mean full on want to hear it again liked it. She has a solid alto voice that goes between throaty jazz and hauntingly beautiful. It supports the orchestration on the album nicely. I was impressed, and I can honestly say my horizon has been broadened. Things are looking up! 4 stars- actually liked it.

Mo K - sounds like i would likt it too.

Amy S - Do you like Nina Simone?

Me - Never heard of her, but her Wild Is The Wind album is on my list. She's in the 500's in my random order, so it could be a year or two until I get around to it.

Amy S - What about Annie Lennox - Bare. The snippets that I can access of Ute Lemper sound to me like a combination of this album and Nina Simone's voice.

Me - Annie Lenox is not on The Big List. I'm not opposed to listening to that album, but at my current rate I expect to be done with my list in 5-6 years, so Annie might have to wait.

Amy S - Yeah, but there are a few that I would recommend you drop from your big list...seriously - three albums of Dexy's midnight runners???

Me - I can't just start dropping stuff once I've made the commitment. Music is subjective- there's no one big authroity on what's good or bad- but I've accepted The Big List as my guiding light. Besides, I might actually like Dexy's Midnight Runners.

Amy S - LOL! And two Brittany Spears, if I remember correctly. Talk about self-flaggellation.

Me - Well, a secondary part of my project is to determine just how full of shit any claimed authority on music is. Not every album on the list is there because it's great. Britney Spears obviously appeared on the list to recognize her popularity at the time, but she has since fallen off the list because her music doesn't exactly stand the test of time.

Amy S - I generally have three criteria for whether an Album is "GREAT". 1) Every song on the album must be good on its own merits 2) Although the songs should flow with each other, each song should be unique enough that you don't feel like you are listening to the same song for 45 mins. 3) Greatest hits compilations don't count. A few caveats to rule #2 exist, such as the Ramones...

Mo K - Don't be stubborn and inflexible. It can get you into trouble. Be willing to veer a little off course once in awhile even if you are commited to something. Make way for some unexpected joys!

Me - Um... I did say I liked an album by Ute Lemper. Soooo... I think I'm open. I'm just sayin' some of the artists on this list are there because they had to be. I'll put it to you this way... Mom, do you really think Bob Dylan made 7 of the greatest 1,047 albums of all time?

Mo K - i'm not sure he made one

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