Friday, February 28, 2014

The White Stripes - White Blood Cells (2001)

(originally posted on Facebook)

The White Stripes get a lot of flack for being talentless hacks. Maybe that's a bit strong, but certainly most people don't take the duo of Jack and Meg White seriously. It probably has something to do with the, "Are they married or siblings or BOTH?" question they shamelessly refused to resolve (for the record, they were married, and Jack took Meg's last name). But the real problem is the music. Jack White can play the guitar kinda well while Meg White just sorta plods on her drum set. Being a two-piece, the songs are quite minimalist, though not quite as anorexic as a standard punk band. But Jack White can't sing. OK, so technically he can sing, but he might want to trade vocal chords with the squeaky voice teen from The Simpsons to get some more depth. I also just learned via my spell checker that "squeaky" is not spelled with two E's. You see how lame The White Stripes are? I lost my train of thought that easily. 2 stars, because at least the album wasn't terrible. Just slightly lame.

Amy S - How did this album make the list?

Me - Jack White has something of a following. He's a pretty good guitarist in an era where there are few well-known guitarists, so his work probably deserves to be recognized. I don't think there is anything interesting to this album, so if this is among his best work I weep for my future, because I'm pretty sure there's more White Stripes on my list.

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