Thursday, March 6, 2014

John Coltrane - A Love Supreme (1965)

(originally posted on Facebook)

Well, if you like jazz you've probably already heard A Love Supreme. I doubt there's more I could tell you, and if I try to say why I didn't really like this album you probably won't listen.

Look, I get it. Jazz is amazing, right? It's crazy expressive and improvisational, and typically involves great rhythms. There typically isn't anyone in a jazz band that is lacking in talent. John Coltrane is an amazing saxophonist. The problem I have with supposed "great jazz" is probably shared by most people- it doesn't really sound like they're playing one song, while at the same time it always sounds like they're playing the same song.

There are four songs on this album, but if there wasn't a break between each song I probably couldn't have distinguished between them. Within each song, the lead instrument, sax or piano, is improvising around the key while the drummer just goes nuts. There's no real beat because the drummer does so many ridiculous fills and it always feels like he's a half beat off. Then the bass player is just playing as though nothing else in the world is happening. All that matters is that he plucks away his quarter notes until his solo, or until whoever is playing lead gets tired and ends the song.

Ugh, it's really hard for me to hate on jazz music, because the music is always played by talented musicians who are generally motherfuckers on whatever they play. But like most genres I don't like it seems to be up its own ass with its clichés. Anyway, if you like jazz and haven't heard this album yet, get off your ass. 2 stars.

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