Friday, March 21, 2014

The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses (1989)

(originally posted on Facebook)

I liked The Stone Roses. I thought the album had a lot of great sonic ideas. I was a bit worried during the opening track that this would wind up being another 80s British robotic electronica album, but in fact The Stone Roses are just a rock band that got stuck having to debut in the late 80s. So the compisition was very solid, including one song that took the riff from the previous song and played it backwards. For most bands that would be a recipe for a total shit song, but The Stone Roses managed to use the off-kilter beat the riff produced and build a really neat piece of music on top of it. My only real complaint is how washed out the vocals are. Every song heavily layers the vocals and adds useless echo effects, which makes them hard to hear leading me to turn the volume way up resulting in overbearing instrumentation. It prevented me from thoroughly enjoying the album, but overall not too bad. 3 stars.

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