Friday, March 7, 2014

The Cardigans - First Band On The Moon (1996)

(originally posted on Facebook)

With a name like "The Cardigans" I came into this album expecting some kind of really lame hipster rock akin to Arcade Fire. Well, I was right about the hipster rock thing. The instrumentals employ a late-60's crunchy sound as if it were playing on vinyl, while the sugary vocals are clean- it's an interesting dichotomy. The drummer uses different beats, starting off with a heavy disco-inspired jam and ranging into pop-rock, lounge/blues, and psychadelic. Two big negatives for me- the sound is too consistent, and there is no break between the songs. I rag on most albums on this list for not changing up their sound a bit, but when combined with all the songs running together... My brain doesn't know how to process them into different songs.

The worst part of this album is that song "Lovefool". That's one of those 90's songs that I had forgotten about and now it's stuck in my head again. Oh wait, no... the worst part of this album is their lazy Sunday afternoon version of Black Sabath's "Iron Man". I'm sure there are worse ideas than a 90's hipster rock band covering a heavy metal classic. I was almost considering liking this album, but the B-side tunes are really terrible. 2 stars- I didn't mind it was playing for a while, so I can't say I hated it.

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