Monday, March 3, 2014

Quicksilver Messenger Service - Happy Trails (1969)

(originally posted on Facebook) 

I've never heard a version of "Who Do You Love" that wasn't by George Thorogood until I heard this album. Most people will probably disagree with me, but the version on Happy Trails is much better.
It is followed by a minimalist instrumental piece that extends into a bunch of people clapping in stereo. Ugh. Then the very next song is exactly the same as the first song only without lyrics. Oh boy, this started out so promising and now I'm quickly starting to hate it. Then the fourth song is a continuation of the same beat... Oh shit, this album better not just be one extended jam session. Here comes the fifth song and... is he still singing "Who Do You Love"? (checking song title) Part 2? Really? So five songs in and really they've just been playing the same damn song this whole time? What a rip off!

Oh wait... this is a live album? Well, it has a delightful sound at the very least, and it's hard for me not to like a blues-based rock band. But when people complain about rambling jam music that goes absolutely nowhere they probably had this album in mind. Yes, there are interesting parts, but slogging through 60 minutes of nothing to hear one or two cool licks is not worth it. 2 stars, and they only get the extra star because I did initially like their take on "Who Do You Love".

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